Choose your visit

The Giant Chasm of Cabrespine, with exceptionals dimensions, allow to admirate what subterranean world offer most magical and spectacular. Discover 3 ways to visit in all safe.


Buy your tickets

To visit the Chasm, you can buy your ticket on our website, or directly the day of the visit at the ticket office. For Aventures Parc activity, booking required.


Getting to the Chasm

The Chasm is located in the Occitanie region, 30 minutes north of Carcassonne, the site overlooks the small village of Cabrespine.


gouffre geant de cabrespine - carcassonne

The Chasm in top 10 of most beautiful French caves !

We are very pleased that GEO magazine selected the Giant Chasm of Cabrepsine in its top 10 of most beautiful French caves. It's an honor to be present in this French magazine, with worldwide circulation, dedicated to travel and knowledge of the world. Discover their selection all around the France ! Extract of the article (in french) : "Située dans l'Aude, cette grotte creusée dans les entrailles de la Montagne Noire par la rivière vaut le détour. Réputée pour la richesse de ses cristallisations, elle fait partie des plus grandes grottes aménagées d'Europe. Pour rendre le site encore plus spectaculaire, un jeu de lumière et une passerelle en verre avec 200 mètres de vide sous vos pieds ont été installés."
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